Nov 27, 2008

Membuat Border

Border dapat dibuat pada tulisan dan gambar. Contoh pada tulisan adalah:

Tulisan ber-border. Ukuran border 1px dan jenisnya solid.

Ada 2 cara pembuatan, yaitu tidak menggunakan CSS dan menggunakan CSS. Keduanya sama mudahnya. Saya akan mengulas kedua.

1. Tidak menggunakan CSS.

Keuntungannya adalah, kita dapat membuat border yang kita sukai dan berbeda-beda untuk tiap kotaknya.
Kekurangannya adalah, kita harus mengetik code untuk tiap kotak. Ini memakan waktu dan tenaga.

Cara membuatnya:
Untuk kasus tulisan dalam kotak yang di atas. Codingnya adalah:

<div style="border:1px #ff0000 solid; padding:10px; background-color:#F3F2E8;">Tulisan ber-border. Ukuran border 1px dan jenisnya solid.</div>

border:1px #ff0000 solid;
1px --> ukuran border
#ff0000 --> warna border, terdiri dari 6 digit angka
solid --> tipe border, untuk bergaris putus-putus adalah 'dashed', titik-titik 'dotted'
padding: 10px;
Padding adalah ukuran jarak antara text dan border
Warna latar belakang. Jika tidak ingin mengubah latar belakang warna, hapus saja.

2.Menggunakan CSS.

Keuntungannya adalah lebih mudah menggunakannya.
Kekurangannya adalah semua kotak sama.
Cara membuatnya:
Perhatikan kembali coding isi tag style yang di atas. Yaitu yang berisi:
border:1px #ff0000 solid; padding:10px; background-color:#F3F2E8;

Copy-lah bagian itu kemudian nanti akan diletakkan (paste) di bagian CSS. Masuklah ke bagian 'Edit HTML' pada layout. Perhatikan seluruh HTML yang ada. Bagian CSS diawali dengan tag coding:

dan diakhiri dengan:

Tepat di atas akhiran CSS ini, buatlah elemen baru CSS dengan mengetik:
.border {

Kemudian hasil copy-an tadi letakkan (paste) setelahnya. Akhiri dengan tanda tutup:

Hasilnya adalah:
.border { border:1px #ff0000 solid; padding:10px; background-color:#F3F2E8; }

Langkah terakhir adalah memanggil elemen CSS border ini melalui tag div. Yaitu:
<div class="border">isian</div>

-- Keliatannya ribet tapi tidak loh --

rujukan =

Nov 21, 2008

Tukar Link

Bagaimana meningkatkan PageRank? saya tanya sana tanya sini diberi tahu bahwa perbanyak backlink wah apaan lagi tuh. Akhirnya saya diberi penjelasan dengan sederhana bahwa buatlah pertukaran link dengan Blogger lain. Wah wah wah siapa yach yang mau tukeran link dengan saya? yang mau silahkan isi komen disini dan saya akan link ke saudara dalam waktu paling lambat 2 X 24 Trimakasih, Sebelumnya tolong link Url saya dulu

Nov 20, 2008

Meningkatkan peringkat pada search enggine

Artikel ini diambil dari
Banyak dari pemilik blog yang ingin mengetahui cara mendapatkan banya pengunjung dari search engine (mesin pencari). Mereka berupaya mendapatkan informasi tentang bagaimana mengoptimalkan fungsi dari Search engine serta berusaha mendapatkan posisi pertama di google misalnya agar informasi yang mereka sajikan dapat diterima secara jelas oleh target mereka. Oleh karenanya disini saya akan membahas tentang SEO. Saya akan mengungkap sedikit tentang arti dari seo serta fungsi dari seo


SEO merupakan singkatan dari Search Engine Optimization dalam bahasa Indonesia yang berarti optimasi untuk mesin pencari dan merupakan cara yang banyak dilakukan oleh pemilik web site / blog yang ingin meningkatkan jumlah traffic (lalu lintans pengunjung blog) yang mereka dapat dari search engine seperti Google, Yahoo!, MSN Dan sebagainya. Cara kerjanya adalah dengan meningkatkan faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal untuk mencapai posisi pertama pada search engine pada halaman hasil pencarian (SERPS). Dengan mencapai peringkat pertama di SERPS dapat mendapatkan lebih banyak traffic pengunjung pada kata kunci pencarian. Seperti yang anda bayangkan biasanya ada ratusan situs berjuang agar berada di bagian atas peringkat mesin pencari, sehingga pemilik dari situs web yang saling bersaing dengan mengoptimalkan situs hingga mereka dapat memperoleh tempat pertama dari para pesaing lainnya.
Sebagai contoh saya menggunakan kata "tutorial blog" untuk mencari informasi di, maka hampir dipastikan bahwa website atau blog yang akan saya kunjungi adalah yang berada di halaman pertama google, jika masih belum dapat juga informasi blog tutorialnya, maka saya kembali akan mencoba mencari info di halaman kedua jika masih belum ketemu, maka biasanya akan mencoba mencari informasi tentang "blog tutorial" dengan kata kunci yang berbeda. Apakah anda seperti saya?

Dari perilaku tersebut dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa, sebagian pengunjung blog berasal dari halaman pertama google, dan jika anda bisa mengoptimalkan blog atau web site berada di halaman pertama google, akan mendapatkan banyak visitor. Jika anda sebagai publisher iklan atau mempunyai produk yang ingin dipromosikan kemungkinan klik dan lakunya produk anda sangat besar sekali bila anda mau belajar SEO.

SEO memerlukan proses dan membutuhkan waktu lama dan saya telah lama mendengar bahwa banyak webmaster menanyakan pertanyaan "Apakah kita perlu SEO?". Sebenarnya pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan adalah '"Apakah saya ingin orang-orang yang mengunjungi situs saya?". Anda dapat memiliki website dan menghabiskan seluruh waktu Anda untuk menambahkan banyak fitur, tapi jika tidak memperoleh pengunjung. Apakah anda masih ingin mengelolah situs anda tersebut?

Fakta yang realistis adalah ketika orang-orang ingin mencari sesuatu di Internet, contoh di search engine. Jika situs Anda tidak terdaftar atau rendah di SERPS maka website anda mungkin tidak mendapatkan banyak pengunjung. Dari beberapa pertanyaan yang saya kemukakan kepada teman-teman saya, "tempat mencari sumber informasi yang terbaik", hampir semuanya menjawab bahwa "google adalah solusi jitu untuk mendapatkan data-data yang meraka inginkan". Di Indonesia sendiri sampai saat ini mesin pencari google masih berada di posisi pertama tempat mencari informasi.

Patut digaris bawahi, traffic dari search engine sangat penting demi kelanjutan nyawa situs Anda, web site dapat dijadikan investasi berharga di zaman perekonomian yang terpuruk, butuh waktu atau dan materi sehingga pemilik blog wajib yang ingin memiliki sebuah web site yang berhasil.

bukan tidak mustahil untuk mendapatkan pengunjung dari mesin pencari tanpa SEO, tetapi akan lebih baik jika anda mengerti cara kerja SEO dan beberapa dasar-dasar SEO yang dapat meningkatkan pengunjung website secara drastis tanpa mengeluarkan uang banyak.

Saya harap Anda sekarang mengerti apa yang dimaksud dengan SEO dan tidak bingung lagi tentang fungsi SEO dalam blog / website. Saya tidak mungkin menjelaskan panjang lebar disini tentang seo, karena artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang apa itu seo, sehingga Anda bisa menentukan langkah selanjutnya dan mencapai kesuksesan dalam memasarkan website Anda.

Nov 18, 2008

Mengganti Tulisan Pada Tombol Start Win XP

Mungkin anda pernah membaca trik yang serupa dengan ini, tetapi jangan takut akan membuang waktu anda untuk artikel berikut ini karena bagi anda pengguna Windows XP, trik berikut ini patut anda coba.

Cara yang umumnya dilakukan untuk melakukan trik ini adalah menggunakan program hex editor, pertama buka file explorer.exe dengan hex editor, berikutnya cari string "start" lalu ganti sesuai keiinginan, lalu simpan file explorer.exe yang sudah dimodifikasi ini dengan nama lain. Kemudian reboot komputer untuk masuk ke modus DOS, lalu ganti file explorer.exe yang asli dengan hasil modifikasi. Metode ini sedikit menyulitkan, terutama bagi anda yang awam dengan perintah-perintah DOS, lagi pula dengan metode ini tulisan pada tombol start hasil modifikasi tidak boleh lebih dari 5 karakter.

Baiklah kita sekarang menggunakan metode baru yang lebih mudah. Sebelumnya anda harus memiliki program Resource Hacker, program ini berguna untuk memodifikasi resource dalam sebuah file program yang sudah di-compile, coba anda cari di alamat berikut Dengan program Resource Hacker kita tidak akan kesulitan mencari string yang berisi tulisan "Start" di dalam file explorer.exe.

Setelah anda memiliki copy program tersebut, jalankan dan bukalah file explorer.exe, file ini berada di dalam direktori C:\Windows.

Ketika file explorer.exe sudah terbuka di Resource Hacker, pada jendela sebelah kiri anda akan melihat sekumpulan folder. Bukalah folder bernama String Table (caranya, klik tanda + yang ada di depan folder itu). Lalu cari dan buka folder yang bernama 37.

Di dalam folder 37 ini terdapat string resources (1033), pada string resources inilah terdapat tulisan "start" yang tampil pada tombol Start di taskbar.

Silahkan ganti teks "start" pada string resources, misalnya dengan "Start Me Up", pastikan bahwa kata-kata yang anda ketikkan terletak diantara tanda petik. Setelah itu klik tombol "Compile Script" untuk mengkompilasi kembali program explorer.exe.

Setelah di-compile simpanlah file explorer.exe hasil modifikasi ini di tempat yang sama (di direktori C:\Windows) tetapi dengan nama yang berbeda, misalnya explorerMod.exe.

Kita masuk ke tahap berikutnya, kita akan memberitahu Windows agar menggunakan file explorer.exe hasil modifikasi (explorerMod.exe) pada proses boot untuk seterusnya. Caranya tidak sulit dan repot seperti metode-metode yang lama, kita cukup melakukannya dengan mengubah setting registry.

Jalankan Registry Editor (regedit.exe), klik menu Start | Run ketik regedit. Lalu masuk ke cabang registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Di dalam Winlogon folder carilah string value Shell -- bila tidak ada buatlah yang baru, caranya klik menu Edit | New | String Value -- lalu klik kanan dan pilih Modify, lalu ketikkan nama file explorer.exe hasil modifikasi, contoh yang kita gunakan disini adalah explorerMod.exe, setelah selesai klik OK untuk menyimpan perubahan yang sudah kita buat. Dengan langkah ini kita memberitahu Windows agar seterusnya menggunakan file explorerMod.exe sebagai shell-nya, bila dikemudian hari anda ingin kembali ke semula anda tinggal mengganti setting registry ini.

Selesai, sekarang re-start komputer anda untuk melihat hasilnya.

Rujukan :

Cara cepat menghapus recent document

Untuk menghindari orang lain mengetahui file-file apa saja yang barus saja kita buka, salah satu caranya adalah dengan menghapus recent document. Caranya sebagai berikut :

1. Buka Notepad.
2. Ketikkan : echo y| del C:\windows\recent\*.*
3. Simpan file pada sembarang folder, beri nama (misalnya) hapus.bat. Perlu diingat bahwa extensi filenya harus .bat
4. Bikin shortcut file tersebut pada dekstop.
5. Klik kanan shortcut tersebut, pilih Properties.
6. Pindah ke tab Program.
7. Pada bagian Run, pilih Minimized.
8. Beri tanda check pada Close on Exit.
9. Klik OK.

Nah sekarang Anda bisa menghapus recent document dengan cepat, yaitu dengan mengklik shortcut yang telah Anda buat pada desktop.

Proteksi Start Up Windows

Trik sederhana untuk memproteksi windows xp dari tangan-tangan jahil. Selain kita dapat proteksi Account kita pada windows dengan password, kita juga bisa proteksi melalui start up windowsnya. Caranya cari aja file syskey pada direktori windows atau melalui menu RUN, ketik "syskey".

Setelah itu akan muncul window baru. Pilih option "Encryption enable" (kalo belum kepilih),kemudian klik button update. Pilih option "Password startup" kemudian isi password dan konfirmasinya kemudian tinggal diklik OK dan jika ingin melihat hasilnya silahkan restart komputernya oke.

Mudah-mudahan Trik Ini Berguna

Program Run Command

Accessibility Controls = access.cpl

Accessibility Wizard = accwiz

Add Hardware Wizard = hdwwiz.cpl

Add/Remove Programs = appwiz.cpl

Administrative Tools = control admintools

Adobe Acrobat ( if installed ) = acrobat

Adobe Distiller ( if installed ) = acrodist

Adobe ImageReady ( if installed ) = imageready

Adobe Photoshop ( if installed ) = photoshop

Automatic Updates = wuaucpl.cpl

Basic Media Player = mplay32

Bluetooth Transfer Wizard = fsquirt

Calculator calc Ccleaner(if installed) = ccleaner

C: Drive = c:

Certificate Manager = cdrtmgr.msc

Character Map = charmap

Check Disk Utility = chkdsk

Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd

Command Prompt = cmd

Command Prompt = command

Component Services = dcomcnfg

Computer Management = compmgmt.msc

Compare Files = comp

Control Panel = control

Create a shared folder Wizard = shrpubw

Date and Time Properties = timedate.cpl

DDE Shares = ddeshare

Device Manager = devmgmt.msc

Direct X Control Panel ( if installed ) = directx.cpl

Direct X Troubleshooter = dxdiag

Disk Cleanup Utility = cleanmgr

Disk Defragment = dfrg.msc

Disk Partition Manager = diskmgmt.msc

Display Properties = control desktop

Display Properties = desk.cpl

Display Properties(w/Appearance Tab Preselected ) = control color

Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility = drwtsn32

Driver Verifier Utility verifier Ethereal(if installed) = ethereal

Event Viewer = eventvwr.msc

Files and Settings Transfer Tool = migwiz

File Signature Verification Tool = sigverif

Findfast = findfast.cpl

Firefox = firefox

Folders Properties = control folders

Fonts = fonts

Fonts Folder = fonts

Free Cell Card Game = freecell

Game Controllers = joy.cpl

Group Policy Editor ( xp pro ) = gpedit.msc

Hearts Card Game = mshearts

Help and Support = helpctr

Hyperterminal = hypertrm

Hotline Client = hotlineclient

Iexpress Wizard = iexpress

Indexing Service = ciadv.msc

Internet Connection Wizard = icwonn1

Internet Properties = inetcpl.cpl

Internet Setup Wizard = inetwiz

IP Configuration = ipconfig /all

IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) = ipconfig /displaydns

IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) = ipconfig /flushdns

IP Configuration (Release All Connections) = ipconfig /release

IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) = ipconfig /renew

IP Config (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS) = ipconfig /registerdns

IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) = ipconfig /showclassid

IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID) = ipconfig /setclassid

Java Control Panel ( if installed ) = picpl32.cpl

Java Control Panel ( if installed ) = javaws

Keyboard Properties = control keyboard

Local Security Settings = secpol.msc

Local Users and Groups = lusrmgr.msc

Logs You Out of Windows = logoff

Malicious Software Removal Tool = mrt

Microsoft Access ( if installed ) = access.cpl

Microsoft Chat = winchat

Microsoft Excel ( if installed ) = excel

Microsoft Diskpart = diskpart

Microsoft Frontpage ( if installed ) = frontpg

Microsoft Movie Maker = moviemk

Microsoft Management Console = mmc

Microsoft Narrator = narrator

Microsoft Paint = mspaint

Microsoft Powerpoint = powerpnt

Microsoft Word ( if installed ) = winword

Microsoft Syncronization Tool = mobsync

Minesweeper Game = winmine

Mouse Properties = control mouse

Mouse Properties = main.cpl

MS-Dos Editor = edit

MS-Dos FTP = ftp

Nero ( if installed ) = nero

Netmeeting = conf

Network Connections = control netconnections

Network Connections = ncpa.cpl

Network Setup Wizard = netsetup.cpl

Notepad = notepad

Nview Desktop Manager ( if installed ) = nvtuicpl.cpl

Object Packager = packager

ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbccp32

ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbccp32.cpl

On Screen Keyboard = osk

Opens AC3 Filter ( if installed )= ac3filter.cpl

Outlook Express = msimn

Paint = pbrush

Password Properties = password.cpl

Performance Monitor = perfmon.msc

Performance Monitor = perfmon

Phone and Modem Options = telephon.cpl

Phone Dialer = dialer

Pinball Game = pinball

Power Configuration = powercfg.cpl

Printers and Faxes = control printers

Printers Folder= printers

Private Characters Editor = eudcedit

Quicktime ( if installed ) = quicktime.cpl

Quicktime Player ( if installed ) = quicktimeplayer

Real Player ( if installed ) = realplay

Regional Settings = intl.cpl

Registry Editor = regedit

Registry Editor = regedit32

Remote Access Phonebook = rasphone

Remote Desktop = mstsc

Removable Storage = ntmsmgr.msc

Removable Storage Operator Requests = ntmsoprq.msc

Resultant Set of Policy ( xp pro ) = rsop.msc

Scanners and Cameras = sticpl.cpl

Scheduled Tasks control= schedtasks

Security Center = wscui.cpl

Services = services.msc

Shared Folders = fsmgmt.msc

Sharing Session = rtcshare

Shuts Down Windows = shutdown

Sounds Recorder = sndrec32

Sounds and Audio = mmsys.cpl

Spider Solitare Card Game = spider

SQL Client Configuration = clicongf

System Configuration Editor = sysedit

System Configuration Utility = msconfig

System File Checker Utility ( Scan Immediately ) = sfc /scannow

System File Checker Utility ( Scan Once At Next Boot ) = sfc /scanonce

System File Checker Utility ( Scan On Every Boot ) = sfc /scanboot

System File Checker Utility ( Return to Default Settings) = sfc /revert

System File Checker Utility ( Purge File Cache ) = sfc /purgecache

System File Checker Utility ( Set Cache Size to Size x ) = sfc /cachesize=x

System Information msinfo32 System Properties = sysdm.cpl

Task Manager = taskmgr

TCP Tester = tcptest

Telnet Client = telnet

Tweak UI ( if installed ) = tweakui

User Account Management = nusrmgr.cpl

Utility Manager utilman

Volume Serial Number for = C: label

Volume Control = sndvol32

Windows Address Book = wab

Windows Address Book Import Utility = wabmig

Windows Backup Utility ( if installed ) = ntbackup

Windows Explorer = explorer

Windows Firewall = firewall.cpl

Windows Installer Details = msiexec

Windows Magnifier = magnify

Windows Management Infrastructure = wmimgmt.msc

Windows Media Player = wmplayer

Windows Messenger = msnsgs

Windows Picture Import Wizard (Need camera connected) = wiaacmgr

Windows System Security Tool = syskey

Windows Script host settings = wscript

Windows Updte Launches = wupdmgr

Windows Version ( shows your windows version ) = winver

Windows XP Tour Wizard = tourstart

Wordpad = write

Zoom Utility = igfxzoom

Nov 12, 2008

Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3

Although officially the Intel P35 chipsets only support FSB up to 1333MHz, 1600MHz FSB, but the processors used in the future is ready to be adopted this Gigabyte motherboard. FSB 1600MHz possible after to update the BIOS and overclock later if the processor has been was launched. This also applies to the main memory. Words main DDR2 memory didukungnya which includes DDR2-667, 800 and 1,066. However, with overclocking, DDR2-1200 can be used. With this increased capacity of the two, you can to experiment more in order to menggenjot performance standards.

This feature is still in the series include technology a mainstay technology Ultra Durable 2, which guarantee more durable components Dynamic Energy Saver and claimed that reduce energy so that more cost-efficient and durable.

In this series Gigabyte P35 dock with the ICH9. ICH9 implement these tasks, such as complement SATA, USB, audio, and others. Because the code does not include R, it means not support RAID mode. However, Therefore, support SATA RAID still possible because the use of controller In addition, the Gigabyte SATA2, which supports SATA RAID 0 (stripping), 1 (mirroring) and JBOD. This port is marked with purple. Viewing the performance offered, GA-EP35-DS3 appear forceful enough. Our test results show that high value and without barriers. To see kestabilannya briefly we try to improve
FSB, and the results of running the stable 440MHz clock. This result is enough high for a P35 motherboard berchipset although not the best. To ease the functions included Files Auto Reload BIOS. So when you an error to set the BIOS setup, the system will automatically restart and back to the default position. This is easier because it does not need to overclocker bothered to make backups reset through jumper.Untuk also available that features Xpress Recovery2 facilitate the backup data if the hard disk error or damage.

For those who want to find the motherboard berchipset P35 with overclocking features that the GA-EP35-DS3 options that can be enough promises. Moreover, support to overclock the motherboard and main memory The dynamic can be a value-added. To maintain the stability and efficiency power, do not forget adopted its technology. Overclocker can feel safe when running on the system default settings.

Nov 9, 2008

Four stars in the world of work

According to the Gallup Poll, using mathematics and interpolation roughly, the following conclusions. If there are 1,000 individuals is a "type-Columbian" explorers who receive all the credit that has economic value, with each assume that they have 10 members adjuvant world class players around them - 10 people which is very important that without them, there would be no economic miracle, then the amount to be 10,000. Then multiplied by 10,000 builders big business again by 10 to determine roughly the amount of economic developer who needed to continue to support GDP growth in the United States. Ten thousand multiplied by 10 (to account for and give credit to the dominance of employment in small-to medium-size companies, which make up about 70% of the workforce the United States) together with 100,000. In other words, only 100,000 stars of various sizes to create growth is estimated to countries the United States, a country with a population of more than 300 million people.

Here is the part that's important for leaders: 100,000 stars of this growth will have made anywhere they live. If they have to prepare all the shops in Sioux Falls, Kansas City, and Fargo, all that happens in the U.S. Midwest. If all these groups have been living in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, or, $ 10 trillion will magically appear in Brazil. Math is simple. One Star-per-$ 100 million from GDP growth.

If you want to ask how to improve significantly to GDP your city, we will say you must find and develop the 10 stars. And you must make to become the incubator of the best talent possible. Incubator is your energy and workers for the future. This will take some time to see the results you want, but you will not get them if you do not start with 10 stars. The only other alternative is to buy growth, as the company, with the acquisition. Leaders of the company's acquisition vs. organic growth all the time problem, and they know that organic growth is the best long-term strategy for every community organizations or persons.

To get a better idea, then how do identify with the stars, namely the team that has the characteristics of successful in business, political leaders and non-profit institutions. Only four or category code that is required to classify them all.

1) innovators

Innovators get ideas that create new products, new markets, the value of shares, and incubate thousands of jobs.

They are often beaten by their discovery while working by an organization - a hospital, government, a company - or most often during their university studies. They are as possible, however, to follow them through the discovery of outside organizations as the inside. In any case, the discovery created the next big wave energy to increase economic activities and some of the hatchery work.

What makes a star innovator not only their creative capacity, but they are also rare talent for innovation in all aspects of their lives. The brilliant ideas are often born from the search for solutions to difficult problems, and new innovations that can solve problems and realize the idea. However, they are not necessarily those who bring to the market.

2) Employers

Employers are most recognized as a super-salespeople or rainmakers. Employers are those who see the picture, realize the potential, describes the steps necessary to make the idea a reality, and then bring innovators together with supporters to form a new business. Employers make money in their career or a new idea, whether this new business or new initiatives in an organization. Employers that rare gift of optimism and determination, which is, and will probably remain, new resources, the most valuable in the world. Optimism and determination of the more valuable in the equation of creativity and innovation because they are rarer.

It is also important to recognize the "social entrepreneurs" in this category, because they are the same importance to building heat, the growth of the city. Social surges from the businessman to provide positive energy through philanthropies. The work carried out by this increase cultural city, and they always increase the welfare of the community. Enterprisers social This not only creates a better city, they are economic and organizational work machines hatchery.

3) superstar

Superstar is a pursuer of achievement is very rare that a creative, talented people in extraordinary art, entertainment or sports. They are known as writers, singers, musicians, artists, chefs, architects, actors, fashion designers, politicians, football players and basketball, etc.. Famous people (celebrities) the need category because they are valuable as a magnet for the city where they live and work. But mostly because they are the economic engine for themselves. They create a new energy economy through the big movies, books, concerts and sports championship. Things that they do, related business to promote them, causing them to obtain support continuously.

4) Super Mentor

Innovator, Entrepreneurs, and the terandalkan superstars, whether they know it or not, they have a genius keamapuan developers. They seemed as Super Mentor. They are people who say, "You can make an idea for the company. I will be the investors for you. "Or," We need support from professors back the idea. Professor need laboratory in the city. "Or," Let's start youth programs are best for the country. "

There are several types of Super Mentor. Often they are "father-city," wealthy businessman who has a deep concern about their city. They can be leaders in higher education institutions or charitable or religious leader or a CEO. Sometimes they are only ordinary citizens who have a deep commitment to the place they live and have the ability to find and encourage talent that has not terasah. In any case, the Super Mentor has a distinctive to identify and develop young stars and with the strong guiding hand and lead them.

Super Mentor also has the capacity to provide support and broad participation in local initiatives that will not happen without support. The growth of the city's best and fastest in the world run in the informal, not-selected group of Super Mentor. They work outside the local government and meet regularly to determine strategies and activities to help the city and the community to win the competition.

One can state that these groups make a Super Mentor greater and more positive towards the city from conducting local government. They have many or more for access to money and influence people as the government leaders who run their jobs, and they have many advantages with speed and fewer obstacles. And they serve a critical function - they are a fire innovator and entrepreneur

reference : Suyanto Consulting

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools (SQL Server 2008 Express) is a free, easy-to-use version of SQL Server Express that includes graphical management tools. SQL Server 2008 Express provides powerful and reliable data management tools and rich features, data protection, and fast performance. It is ideal for small server applications and local data stores.

SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools has all of the features in SQL Server 2008 Express, plus you can easily manage and administer SQL Server 2008 Express with a easy-to-use graphical management tool - SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Basic.

Free to download, free to deploy, and free to redistribute as an embedded part of an application, SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools is the fast and easy way to develop and manage data-driven applications.

Download : Microsoft® SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services

Nov 5, 2008

Soon! Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 Special Vista

Microsoft plans will be released a new service pack for Office 2007, between February to April 2009. According to Microsoft's Office Sustained Engineering Team, pihalnya has a simple and transparent council this customer demand, considering the operating system on the launch of Office 2003 SP3 and Office 2007 SP1, Microsoft also provides the same service.

Microsoft team was then revealed little detail of the new features of Office 2007 SP2. As examples of performance and outlook calendar improvised repairs, and also add the object model used for Power Point and Word documents. Chart for Excel applications will also be added with new features. Office 2007 SP2 also will support this with cryptography, which will always update the software so that it will support with all cryptographic algorithms from the system oeprasi.

In addition, there are also a tool of the system administrator to uninstall the software Office 2007 SP2, particularly if there is software conflict. Meanwhile, the Enterprise Content Management is also improved, such as the status of Approval from the Office Project Web Access to Office Project Professional 2007. Meanwhile, Office Services will also be written in the new code.

"Microsoft to develop this second service pack for Windows Vista (Windows XP SP2) and Windows Server 2008. Service packs are part of the life of software, something that we make for all Microsoft products as part of our commitment to continue improvisation, and this is already the standard it. We will distribute more complete details on the upcoming few months. ", Said a team of Microsoft.

Microsoft Releases Visual Studio 2008 SP1

First, create a Microsoft Windows XP SP1. Then the other operating system, Windows Vista SP1. Now, Microsoft has released Visual Studio and. NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Connection problems? Microsoft's service packs will still be run as important, in a sense to update the products from key products released.

According to Microsoft, about this campaign Service Packs 1 for Visual Studio 2008 and. NET Framework 3.5, was officially launched since the six-months ago, and service Packs 1 the same as the previous SP. Ian Ellison-Taylor, general manager for the presentation of the Microsoft platform and tools team, mention SP1 as an important historical milestones, as will mengkoneksikan application on the web quickly pass through the database to the new framework. SP1 will also megurangi size of the. NET Framework 3.5, which is specifically made in Windows Vista. Around 85%. NET Framework 3.5 is used to provide facilities for users to download and run on the Windows XP operating system.

Microsoft makes Visual Studio SP1 is more to the development of the web and compare Dreamweaver with Adobe Systems. According to Ellison-Taylor, easier to use than the Visual Studio SP1 Dreamweaver, 2004, to connect to SQL Server. Visual Studio SP1 also introduces the framework Drop entity that can create either a high level, and take the database table, and have a data connection that significant. Drop Framework will go to the database and interesting object to connect with the template ASP.NET. Users can edit the data and to update its database. Visual Studio SP1 can reduce the time that manual coding is used to link and connect, and then synchronize the changes between the website and the server.
Visual Studio SP1 will be connected with SQL Server 2008, MySQL, IBM DB2 and Oracle, and plug-in framework to connect to other databases. Meanwhile, ADO.NET Data Services has a facility standard REST URI syntax and HTTP verbs, the browser history of support to ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET model view and control. Microsoft expects. NET Framework 3.5 is able to bring that feature images and more communication, but also other possibilities that can be found in Vista.

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